Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Blown Away

The Ghana Journals
Part 4//Blown Away

Photo credit: Miah Coen, Given Photography
I am practically jumping for joy today, and I wanted to share with you why.  A few weeks ago, my grandparents offered to give a very generous amount toward our trip to Ghana, and on Sunday I opened an envelope from some friends containing an unexpectedly large check.  All this, combined with what other friends have given, brings our total funds for the trip to $2,460.  Wow!  I am seriously blown away by the generosity of so many of my family and friends who have given toward this trip.  I'm blown away by God's goodness and abundant faithfulness.  Though a simple thank you is so far from expressing my love and deep appreciation for all of you who have shown such unselfish support of me and Miah, not only financially, but spiritually and in friendship, I want to say THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!  Your friendship is a treasured gift!  :)

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Thoughts for my day

"Realize that every person you encounter is an opportunity for Jesus to pour Himself into.  He wants to use you life as a vessel of His truth, a channel of His love, a demonstration of His power, a picture of His life.  We must be willing for Jesus to bleed, suffer, die, and live through us in order for the world to be turned upside down.  Every person we see today is someone Jesus desperately wants to reach, embrace, transform.  Could we be His instruments in their lives?  Could those same people gon on to radically change the world?  Jesus is using you to create ripples in this world through the tiny encounters you have every day.  Don't take them for granted."  
~Nathan Johnson
(source: http://deeperchristian.com/creating-ripples-of-change/#more-1317)